We know dogs love to chew, but those squeaky toys and picked up sticks don't provide any healthy benefits to our canine companions, especially if bits of them are swallowed. So what's a better alternative? Dog dental chews!
In this post, we are going to "dig our teeth" into all things dog dental chews, including the benefits, the different types available and also some precautions you'll want to follow when using a dog dental chew. Plus, we'll also take a look at our top five picks for some of the best dog dental chews on the market today. Let's chomp down on the best dog dental chew so you can make an informed decision.
Best Dog Dental Chews at a Glance
How Can My Dog Benefit From Dog Dental Chews?
According to WebMD, the buildup of tartar and plaque on a dog's teeth can lead to many health issues, including loosened, broken or the loss of teeth, bad breath and even organ damage if the bacteria gets into the bloodstream. These can all be painful experiences that will jeopardize your pet's quality of life. However, by providing your dog with a daily dental chew, you will be giving your pooch the benefits of:
Types of Dog Dental Chews
There are three main types of dog dental chews. These include:
1. Rawhides - these come in a variety of sizes and shapes and are generally made from the hides of cows and horses. Check out the best 5 Rawhides for dogs here!
2. Dental Chews, Bones, and Biscuits - these are made from edible ingredients and also come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and flavors.
3. Dental Diets - these dry kibbles have been formulated specifically to reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar on your dog's teeth. Although not edible, some dog chew toys are also specifically designed to remove plaque from your canine's teeth. These include Kong toys, Plaque Attackers, and Gumabones.
Follow These Precautions When Using a Dog Dental Chew
Like anything you allow your dog to have there are some precautions, you will want to follow when using dog dental chews.
1. The Right Dental Chew
Since there is such a large variety of dental chews on the market today, finding the right one for your pet is important. To do this match your dog's size and chewing habits to the right dental chew. For example, an aggressive chewer will need one that is firmer and tougher to get through, while a smaller breed will need one that fits its tiny mouth.
2. Set a Limit
Again depending on the product, some dental chews can be consumed very quickly which won't do much for your dog's oral health and can also pack on the pounds. A good rule-of-paw is small dogs should have fewer treats.
3. Use With Caution
Pig ears, cow hooves, antlers and compressed rawhides should all be used with caution. Pig ears and compressed rawhides can all be eaten very quickly which can cause stomach irritation and may even pose a choking hazard, so monitor your dog when eating these products. Extremely hard chews like hooves and antlers can further damage teeth that are already broken.