
Best Dog Vitamins 2020 – [A Comprehensive Report]


The first question that crops up in mind is, “Do dogs really need vitamins?” A 2006 study published in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association states that multivitamins are the most preferred vitamins of dog owners. This, together with supplements and fatty acids, improve the dog’s coat shine, reduces shedding and alleviates problems associated with arthritic joints. Therefore, let's take a glance at top 4 best dog vitamins on Nolongerwild





Prevents dry and itchy skin.


Improves the overall health of the dog.

Improves the condition of atrophying back legs


Clears yeast infection.

What are the best dog vitamins?

If you suspect your dog is not getting complete nutrients and have consulted your vet, dog vitamins prove the best source for restoring the health of your pet.

Of all such products inundating the market, we bring you what we consider as the five best dog vitamins, along with their attributes. Let us see what these are:

This is one of the most popular supplement that does wonders to the dogs’ health.


  • Dogs love the taste.
  • Has been found to cure urinary tract infection.Turns fur soft. Prevents dry and itchy skin.
  • Alleviates the problems of aching joints in aged dogs.
  • Has been found to cure urinary tract infection.


  • More expensive than other supplements of this category.

This is a vitamin and mineral supplement that promotes the normal growth. It also boosts the longevity in dogs.


  • Good tasting, loved by all dogs.
  • Improves the overall health of the dog.
  • Provides vigor and vitality to aged dogs


  • Some dogs don’t like the hard disks form of this product.

This a multivitamin for giving extra boost to active, working and aging dogs. Only one tablet a day suffices, since it has higher potency of specific vitamins and minerals.


  • Clearly mentioned contents on the label help to regulate the dosage.
  • Dogs love the taste.
  • Improves the condition of atrophying back legs.


  • Some breeds don’t like the taste and the tablet needs to be mixed with the food.
  • The product may make some dogs sick.

This an all-natural dog supplement consisting of glucosamine complex msm and ester-c. The formula is high in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and essential fatty acids.


  • Meets most nutritional needs.
  • Clears yeast infection.
  • Makes dog more active.


  • Dogs turn the gravy form of this supplement into mess; a "treat" form is a better option.
  • May cause paw shredding in some breeds.

When does my dog need vitamins?

Although the market for vitamins meant for dogs is burgeoning, the veterinary scientists express their reservations. According to them, some vitamins work, some don’t, some are not necessary and some are downright harmful.

One professor of veterinary clinical sciences has gone on to state that most people are doing it because they want to, not because it is necessary!

The fact is that most dog owners provide their dogs with commercially processed dog food, which is not only a complete and balanced diet, but also contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. Dogs fed on homemade dog food may require additional vitamins. This is best determined by the dog’s vet or nutritionist.

Am I putting my dog at risk by giving vitamins?

Yes, if you are giving your dog a balanced diet that already contains vitamins and minerals. An overdose of vitamins and minerals, given in addition to what is present in the dog food, could be harmful. Sample this:

  • Calcium: An overdose of calcium causes skeletal problems. Large breeds are more prone to it.
  • Vitamin A: Too much of this vitamin harms blood vessels, cause dehydration and may result in joint pain.
  • Vitamin D: Excess Vitamin D has adverse effect on bones and may cause muscle atrophy.

The symptoms of supplement overdose may also manifest as arthritis or dog’s weak rear end. This may point towards a neurological problem. A poor coat may indicate skin or metabolic problems or hormonal imbalance.

The bottom line is, if your dog is eating a complete and balanced diet and is keeping well, it does not actually need any extra vitamins or supplements. If you do need to give something extra to your dog, give probiotics. These have proven most beneficial for dogs.

How effective are vitamins and supplements?

Although most of the tests conducted by feeding vitamins and supplements to the dogs showed mixed results, there are some that are beneficial for dogs’ health:

  • Fatty acids: These make the coat healthier and improves its look.
  • Fish oil supplements: It reduces inflammation in dogs.
  • Vitamin C and E: These also reduce inflammation and prevents memory loss in aging dogs.

However, no studies have been conducted for long-term use of vitamins and supplements on young dogs. So, tread with caution and always consult your vet.

How to choose the best dog vitamins?

The dog vitamins and supplements flooding the market boggles the mind. But, if you are well informed and meticulous in choosing them, you are certain to find the best dog vitamins for your dog.


Here are some expert tips to help you out:

●Go for brands that specialize in one area or undertake clinical studies of their products.
●Know the exact ingredient you require and find it on the label. Beware of same sounding ingredients.
●Go for products that undergo quality control. This is indicated by the lot number on the product. 
●Trust the product, if an independent organization has certified it.

●Contact the manufacturer to get the relevant information about the company, formulation and years of experience in supplement manufacturing.
●Never fall for tall claims on the label, such as curing of parvovirus, cancer, hip dysplasia and the like.
●Get the dog vitamins and supplements that your vet orders; they get the best ones.

Before you venture out to get the best dog vitamins, check the dog food that you are giving your dog. It may itself contain the therapeutic levels of the supplement you are looking for and you won’t need it separately.

Also, at times you may get tempted to give human supplements to your dog. This may prove harmful. Products, such as garlic, are quite dangerous for the dog.


There is no doubt that vitamins and supplements are essential for dogs for promoting healthy bodily functions. Using only the best vitamins for dogs will save them harm from fake and cheap vitamin products that proliferate the market.

About the Author Cindy Grant

A pet lover from Boston, USA who is extremely passionate about all cute little pets, especially puppies, kittens and birds. I created NolongerWild as a community where all pet lovers around the world can meet and share their passion with each other.

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