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Why Do Puppies Breathe Fast? (New Data 2020?)


If you are asking yourself do puppies breathe fast because your puppy is wriggling and whining in their sleep, they are most likely ok. But it could also be something you need to look into. 

Do Puppies Breathe Fast in their Sleep?

Firstly you might have noticed that your puppy has started to breath slightly erratically when sleeping. Puppies in general sleep differently to bigger more mature dogs. They need their sleep more but are also acting perfectly normal when they are whining, wriggling and even barking in their sleep.

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If your puppy is getting more tired than they used to then it could be something to look into

If your puppy is getting more tired than they used to then it could be something to look into. Especially after light exercise.

Is My Puppy ill?

Without examining a puppy first hand it is impossible to tell if your puppy is ill, but if breathing is a concern for you then you may want to consider a few other things first.

If breathing is the only noticeable difference to your puppy's regular behaviour, and they have a healthy appetite and an active daytime routine then they are probably perfectly happy.

It is important that they also have their vaccinations and treatments up to date and are taking on water normally. After all this, one would have to conclude that they are most likely to be fine.

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If breathing is the only noticeable difference to your puppy's regular behaviour, and they have an active daytime routine then they are probably perfectly happy.

Make sure their environment is not too hot, puppies in particular can find it more difficult to deal with adverse conditions, so give them as much help as you can.

If the breathing irregularities occur when your puppy is awake then it could be more serious.

Breathing Fast After Exercise

This is perfectly normal, your little pup may have expended a lot of energy and considering that a dog only has sweat glands on their feet, they often cool down by panting with their mouth wide open.

Panting is perfectly normal, if this is your first puppy it may be worrying to see your dog breathing heavily but this is standard.

Breathing Fast Because of Stress

Your puppy might be suffering from stress because of a new environment or occurrence. They may not yet be accustomed to travel so a car journey might overwhelm them and cause them to breath faster than usual, even after no exercise.

The same can be said for crate training especially in the early stages. Be mindful of this and watch out for the breathing returning to normal once they are let out of the car or crate.

Respiratory Diseases

In extreme cases, a puppy can be breathing fast when they have not exercised due to a fee different conditions.

Fast and forced breathing is known as Dyspnea and should be given immediate attention by a vet if you think it could be this.

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Puppies should be given immediate attention by a vet if you think they could be Dyspnea.

Pet Health Network describes the signs in dogs as being when they are often pacing around, constantly coughing, do not wish to exercise, use their abdomen to improve their breathing, stick their neck out to help breathe or sit up to breathe amongst other symptoms.

Petmd.com describes a list of possible diseases that come from the symptoms of Dyspnea and can occur in problems with the nose, throat and windpipe, lungs and small airways in the lungs, diaphragm and the chest.

Tachypnea is when the puppies breathing is much faster than usual and can happen even when their mouth is closed.

This can occur when there is a low amount of oxygen in their blood or when there are blood clots. 

If your dog shows any of these signs then it is important that you take them to a vet without hesitation.

Read more dog articles on NolongerWild.com


As with any possible complications, looking after your puppy will often have its scares. Like a newborn baby, you will be constantly researching every new thing they do to make sure they are normal.

This is a perfectly fine thing to do and you should pat yourself on the back for caring so much.

As with many of the things your puppy will do, breathing fast is often perfectly normal under the right circumstances.

If you are concerned about your puppy breathing fast then consider the following.

Are they awake?
Have they recently exercised?
Are they up to date on all vaccinations?
Have they got a healthy appetite?
Is the room hot?
Could they be stressed?

Examine all this and the way they breathe and if you are worried then it is always ok to consult a vet.

About the Author Cindy Grant

A pet lover from Boston, USA who is extremely passionate about all cute little pets, especially puppies, kittens and birds. I created NolongerWild as a community where all pet lovers around the world can meet and share their passion with each other.

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