It doesnt matter of course but you should notice that your kitten is around the size of an adult cat at the 6 month stage. Of course, every cat is different and things such as breed, food and environment will all be factors here.
You will want to feed your kitten the right foods, so specific kitten tailored foods that are high in protein to aid their development.
Once they are 6 months old, it is usually a good time to switch them onto adult food.
Will They Seem Different?
Only in their behaviour as they develop into an adult. The transitional period is when you will notice a difference.
In terms of movement they will start to walk and run in the same way they will for the rest of their lives from around 6 weeks old - talk about early development! This is also a time where they will enjoy chasing objects like a piece of string so make sure you play with them to encourage their development.
What are the ‘Teenage Years’? - When Do Cats Become Adults?
When they have began puberty, so around this time of reaching sexual maturity. When this does happen they will grow, but it won't be as obvious as it once was.
If neutered, a male cat will still grow, but at a less accelerated pace. By his first birthday he should be almost there in terms of being fully grown, but it is not unusual for him to continue growing long beyond this age as well.
This is the stage when they are becoming more content and confident in themselves, so they have mastered things like distance when jumping and even hunting is done with greater ease.
How Long Can My Cat Live?
This depends on many factors, of course you cannot anticipate accidents and illnesses, but a healthy indoor cat should live to around 15 /16 years, and often beyond that.
A cat that spends its life outdoors is far more susceptible to accidents involving cars and diseases such as feline aids. Depending on where you get your information from, the average lifespan of an outdoors cat seems to be around 3-6 years.
If you want to keep your beloved pet with you for as long as possible then you will want to ensure they have their vaccinations, get regular check ups with the vet and eat a balanced a high quality food.